Vendor-neutral Argo-focused Event
ArgoCon is designed to foster collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing on the Argo Project, which consists of four projects: Argo CD, Argo Workflows, Argo Rollouts, and Argo Events. The event is vendor-neutral and is being organized by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation Argo Community.

Hong Wang, Argo originator, Akuity CEO
“When we started the Argo Project in 2016, we didn't expect the project could be so widely adopted by the industry and become the de facto application delivery tool for Kubernetes.
Each KubeCon, Argo end-users and friends showed great interest to have a dedicated event for much deeper conversation about the project. Last year, we were able to organize the first ArgoCon virtually. The number of participants has exceeded our expectations - 3,893 registrants with 1,800 unique attendees over the day from 90 countries and more than 1500 companies. From 2022, we are happy to host the first ever on-site ArgoCon located at the heart of Silicon Valley with an additional virtual setup.”
argocon timeline
Conference Calendar
Discover our journey through the ArgoCon events
Talks involving Akuity staff
Where User Experience and Open Source Thrives
Christian Hernandez, Akuity and Jacob Feldman, CoreWeave
Managing Application Dependencies in Argo CD
Christian Hernandez, Akuity
Bridge the Gap Between Terraform and GitOps
Junze Bao & Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity
Talks involving Akuity staff
Navigating Multi-stage Deployment Pipelines via the GitOps Approach
Jesse Suen, Akuity
Panel: Expanding Argo CD Content Management Using OCI Artifacts
Christian Hernandez, Akuity; Hillary Lipsig, Andrew Block, Red Hat; Dan Garfield, Codefresh
Why Is It Taking so Long?! Shining the Light on Application Syncs in Argo CD with Keptn
Christian Hernandez, Akuity & Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace
The Rendered Manifests Pattern: Reveal Your True Desired State
Nicholas Morey, Akuity
Supercharging Argo CD’s Manifest Generation Capabilities (KubeCon talk)
Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity; Leonardo Luz Almeida, Intuit
Tutorial: Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts (KubeCon talk)
Christian Hernandez, Akuity; Kostis Kapelonis, Codefresh; Harriet Lawrence, Kevin Dubois, Natale Vinto, Red Hat
Talks involving Akuity staff
Navigating Multi-stage Deployment Pipelines via the GitOps Approach
Jesse Suen, Akuity
Panel: Expanding Argo CD Content Management Using OCI Artifacts
Christian Hernandez, Akuity; Hillary Lipsig, Andrew Block, Red Hat; Dan Garfield, Codefresh
Why Is It Taking so Long?! Shining the Light on Application Syncs in Argo CD with Keptn
Christian Hernandez, Akuity & Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace
The Rendered Manifests Pattern: Reveal Your True Desired State
Nicholas Morey, Akuity
Supercharging Argo CD’s Manifest Generation Capabilities (KubeCon talk)
Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity; Leonardo Luz Almeida, Intuit
Tutorial: Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts (KubeCon talk)
Christian Hernandez, Akuity; Kostis Kapelonis, Codefresh; Harriet Lawrence, Kevin Dubois, Natale Vinto, Red Hat
Talks involving Akuity staff
Navigating Multi-stage Deployment Pipelines via the GitOps Approach
Jesse Suen, Akuity
Panel: Expanding Argo CD Content Management Using OCI Artifacts
Christian Hernandez, Akuity; Hillary Lipsig, Andrew Block, Red Hat; Dan Garfield, Codefresh
Why Is It Taking so Long?! Shining the Light on Application Syncs in Argo CD with Keptn
Christian Hernandez, Akuity & Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace
The Rendered Manifests Pattern: Reveal Your True Desired State
Nicholas Morey, Akuity
Supercharging Argo CD’s Manifest Generation Capabilities (KubeCon talk)
Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity; Leonardo Luz Almeida, Intuit
Tutorial: Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts (KubeCon talk)
Christian Hernandez, Akuity; Kostis Kapelonis, Codefresh; Harriet Lawrence, Kevin Dubois, Natale Vinto, Red Hat
Talks involving Akuity staff
Keynote: Challenging the Status Quo with Kubernetes and Argo
Hong Wang, Akuity
Managing Thousand of Automatic Machine Learning Experiments
Yuan Tang, Akuity & Andrey Velichkevich, Apple
Lightning Talk: Automating Map-building Pipelines for Safe Autonomous Driving with Argo Workflows at TuSimple
Yuan Tang, Akuity & Ning Xu,
Lightning Talk: Don’t Let a Bot In! Protect Fortune 500 Companies & Users
Remington Breeze, Akuity & Sudhamsh Bachu, ArkoseLabs
Advanced GitOps Certification - Hands-on Workshop
Hosted by Akuity