the Argo project

What is Argo?

Argo is a suite of open source tools for deploying and running applications and workloads on Kubernetes. It extends the Kubernetes APIs and unlocks new and powerful capabilities in application deployment, container orchestration, event automation, progressive delivery, and more.

The project was created by Akuity co-founders and is a graduated Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project.

Hong Wang, Jesse Suen, and Alexander Matyushentsev, co-creators of Argo

Key benefits

Open-Source Tools for Kubernetes Automation

Argo CD

Argo Workflows

Argo Rollouts

Argo Events

Icon of the Heart

Perform quick health checks on all components of applications

Icon of the speedometer

Display actionable analytics regarding deployment patterns, including deployment stats, cluster telemetry, and more

Icon of the Branch

Track git branches, pin relevant tags and commits

Icon of the Sync arrows

Synchronize with git manually or automatically

Icon of the Person with keyhole instead of the face

Introduce role-based access control and SSO integration

Icon of the concentric squares

Audit trail and history of application events and API calls

Icon of the clipped paper

Use multiple manifests template formats

Icon of the round arrow pointing backwards

Backup and Recover

Icon of the receipt

Audit data and store it long-term

Argo CD

Argo Workflows

Argo Rollouts

Argo Events

Icon of the Heart

Perform quick health checks on all components of applications

Icon of the speedometer

Display actionable analytics regarding deployment patterns, including deployment stats, cluster telemetry, and more

Icon of the Branch

Track git branches, pin relevant tags and commits

Icon of the Sync arrows

Synchronize with git manually or automatically

Icon of the Person with keyhole instead of the face

Introduce role-based access control and SSO integration

Icon of the concentric squares

Audit trail and history of application events and API calls

Icon of the clipped paper

Use multiple manifests template formats

Icon of the round arrow pointing backwards

Backup and Recover

Icon of the receipt

Audit data and store it long-term

Argo CD

Argo Workflows

Argo Rollouts

Argo Events

Icon of the Heart

Perform quick health checks on all components of applications

Icon of the speedometer

Display actionable analytics regarding deployment patterns, including deployment stats, cluster telemetry, and more

Icon of the Branch

Track git branches, pin relevant tags and commits

Icon of the Sync arrows

Synchronize with git manually or automatically

Icon of the Person with keyhole instead of the face

Introduce role-based access control and SSO integration

Icon of the concentric squares

Audit trail and history of application events and API calls

Icon of the clipped paper

Use multiple manifests template formats

Icon of the round arrow pointing backwards

Backup and Recover

Icon of the receipt

Audit data and store it long-term

Introduction to GitOps and Argo CD

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learning Argo?

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from the founders of Argo

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