Our Blog Posts

What's new in Kargo v0.8.0 blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on July 25, 2024

What's New in Kargo v0.8.0

Kargo v0.8.0 is here! We are thrilled to announce the latest release of Kargo, the revolutionary GitOps promotion tool that eliminates the need for bespoke…

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Why Continuous Promotion is Essential Cover Image
by Christian Hernandez on July 09, 2024

Why Continuous Promotion is Essential

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are fundamental to DevOps and platform engineering, enabling automated workflows from code commit to…

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Introducing Akuity Workspaces Cover Image
by Christian Hernandez on June 20, 2024

Introducing Akuity Workspaces

We are excited to announce two significant additions to the Akuity Platform that will enhance how your organization manages access to resources: Workspaces and…

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What's new in Kargo v0.7.0 blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on June 11, 2024

What's New in Kargo v0.7.0

Kargo v0.7 is now available on GitHub ! The Kargo community has been hard at work driving Kargo closer and closer to a GA release. For users upgrading from v…

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Akuity Platform For Edge Kubernetes Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on June 04, 2024

Overcoming Edge Kubernetes Challenges with the Akuity Platform

Edge computing involves placing your workload as close to the user as necessary but no closer. It used to mean keeping computing close to the source of…

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Security Hardened Argo CD
by Alexander Matyushentsev on May 28, 2024

Security-Hardened Image for Argo CD

Argo CD, widely adopted by tens of thousands of developers for managing production workloads on Kubernetes, inherently requires access to highly sensitive…

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Crossplane support in Akuity Platform
by Alexander Matyushentsev on May 23, 2024

Akuity Platform Crossplane Extension

Crossplane is a CNCF-incubating open-source project that provides a way to manage cloud resources in a Kubernetes-native manner. Being a Kubernetes-native…

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Akuity Platform May 2024 Update Cover Image
by Wojtek Cichoń on May 20, 2024

Akuity May 2024 Update

The Akuity Platform continues to evolve with the latest enhancements. Check out this summary of what new features and improvements were recently added to the…

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What's new in Kargo v0.6.0 blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on May 14, 2024

What's New in Kargo v0.6.0

It’s time for another Kargo release! As we move closer and closer to a GA release; the features and improvements keep coming. Not only are we diligently working…

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What's new in Kargo v0.5.0 blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on April 05, 2024

What's New in Kargo v0.5.0

We're back from Kubecon EU '24 in Paris, and there was a lot of buzz around Kargo! We had many conversations with folks talking about their struggles with how…

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cdk8s in Akuity Platform
by Mayursinh Sarvaiya on March 25, 2024

Argo CD CDK8S Config Management Plugin

If you haven't stored raw kubernetes YAML files in your GitOps repository, you most probably used some sort of tooling that generates YAML files, for example…

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Application Dependencies with Argo CD blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on March 14, 2024

Application Dependencies with Argo CD

With Argo CD and GitOps gaining wide adoption, many organizations are starting to deploy more and more applications using Argo CD and GitOps in their workflows…

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Akuity Platform For Multi-Cloud And On-Premise Hybrid Environments Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on February 27, 2024

Akuity Platform for Multi-Cloud and On-Premise Hybrid Environments

So, you want to run Kubernetes clusters across multiple cloud providers (e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP) and possibly even on-premise to create a hybrid environment that…

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What's new in Kargo v0.4.0 blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on February 22, 2024

What's New in Kargo v0.4.0

Kargo has been gaining some steam after we’ve announced it back in September of 2023. Since then we’ve had a few releases that introduced many features, bug…

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Argo CD for Flux Users blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on January 18, 2024

Argo CD for Flux Users

At Akuity, we are at the forefront of GitOps. We help many of our customers across all industries with their GitOps implementation. As we anticipated, our…

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Argo CD Architectures Explained blog cover image
by Nicholas Morey on January 09, 2024

How many do you need? Argo CD Architectures Explained - 2024 Update

Using Argo CD to implement GitOps for Kubernetes appears simple. However, like any system, the ability to scale GitOps practices is highly dependent on the…

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Argo CD vs. Flux - a detailed comparison blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on January 08, 2024

Argo CD vs. Flux - a Detailed Comparison

GitOps has undoubtedly been a hot topic for quite some time now. Ever since the emergence of the popularity of Kubernetes, many organizations that have been…

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How Argo CD Empowers Developers at QA Wolf Cover Art
by John Gluck on January 03, 2024

How Argo CD Empowers Developers at QA Wolf

We’ve teamed up with our colleagues (and customers) at QA Wolf to give you a glimpse into how indispensable Argo CD is in an everyday workflow of companies…

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What is Argo CD cover image
by Wojtek Cichoń on December 12, 2023

What is Argo CD - Features and Business Benefits

In an era where cloud-native technology has become the norm, managing Kubernetes deployments efficiently is a necessity for businesses. This is where Argo CD…

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Akuity Platform December 2023 Update Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on December 07, 2023

Akuity December 2023 Update

It's been a while since we shared any Akuity Platform updates, so here's a fresh blog post about the platform's new functionalities and improvements added…

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Why We Created the Argo Project Cover Art
by Hong Wang on December 05, 2023

Why We Created the Argo Project

Seeing the Argo Project reach graduation status in Cloud Native Computing Foundation in 2022 and now reaching incredible velocity of an Open Source project…

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GitOps Best Practices Whitepaper Blog Cover Image
by Christian Hernandez on November 29, 2023

GitOps Best Practices Whitepaper

GitOps is rapidly becoming the standard for managing cloud-native ecosystems with Kubernetes. Traditional IaC tools fell short with the rise of Kubernetes…

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Purpose, Not Location - Why Kargo Uses Stage And Not Environment
by Nicholas Morey on October 19, 2023

Purpose, Not Location - Why Kargo Uses the Term 'Stage'

Kargo is a next-generation continuous delivery and application lifecycle orchestration platform for Kubernetes. It builds upon GitOps principles and integrates…

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The Rendered Manifests Pattern blog cover image
by Nicholas Morey on October 10, 2023

The Rendered Manifests Pattern

GitOps principles exist to address the genuine problems of visibility and collaboration when working with a complex system like Kubernetes. They stress the…

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Introducing Kargo blog post cover image
by Jesse Suen on September 18, 2023

Introducing Kargo

We are thrilled to announce Kargo, a multi-stage application lifecycle orchestrator for continuously delivering and promoting changes through environments…

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Akuity Platform unlocks Argo CD ultimate security
by Alexander Matyushentsev on August 29, 2023

Unlocking Ultimate Argo CD Security

The Akuity Platform offers cloud-hosted Argo CD that allows managing hundreds of Kubernetes clusters with no hassle of maintaining and scaling the control plane…

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Reducing Argo CD Operational Burden cover image
by Christian Hernandez on August 24, 2023

Reducing Argo CD Operational Burden

As an Argo CD administrator, you probably care a lot about security, robustness, and best practices in implementing every aspect of GitOps with Argo CD. As your…

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Argo Project has been approved for CNCF graduation
by Alexander Matyushentsev on August 21, 2023

Ultimate Flexibility for Argo CD Architecture

Argo CD is a flexible GitOps controller that solves various use cases. It might be used as a platform operator tool that performs cluster bootstrapping, as well…

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Akuity Platform unlocks Argo CD ultimate scalability
by Alexander Matyushentsev on August 15, 2023

Unlocking Ultimate Argo CD Scalability

Argo CD is a deployment tool for Kubernetes that follows GitOps methodology. Besides being the best implementation of a GitOps controller, Argo CD also stands…

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Argo CD Architecture Redesigned blog post cover image
by Jesse Suen on August 09, 2023

Argo CD Architecture Redesigned

One of the common questions we are asked regarding Akuity’s managed Argo CD offering is, what makes it different from open source? On the surface, everything…

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Config Management Plugins with Argo CD blog cover image
by Christian Hernandez on August 02, 2023

Config Management Plugins with Argo CD

Argo CD has the ability to work with Config Management tools like Helm and Kustomize natively. However there are other configuration management tools out there…

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Supplying Custom Values Files to Helm Charts in Argo CD Applications blog cover image
by Nicholas Morey on July 27, 2023

Supplying Custom Values Files to Helm Charts in Argo CD

In this blog post, we will dive into a common challenge developers face when using Argo CD — an innovative Kubernetes application deployment and management tool…

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Akuity Platform July 2023 Update Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on July 26, 2023

Akuity July 2023 Update

We're thrilled to announce the latest updates to the Akuity Platform, packed with exciting new features, like an AI assistant, and enhancements, like the…

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AI Assistant for Argo CD
by Yuan Tang, Alexander Matyushentsev on July 25, 2023

Introducing the AI Assistant for Argo CD on Akuity Platform

We are thrilled to announce that the AI Assistant for Argo CD is now available inside the Akuity Platform . It integrates cutting-edge AI functionality into…

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Akuity Platform May 2023 Update Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on May 17, 2023

Akuity May 2023 Update

May welcomes a lot of new and exciting features inside the Akuity Platform. We're introducing Sync History reports both in Akuity and Argo and much more. Find…

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GRPC Gateway Client Generator Cover Image
by Sunghoon Kang on March 23, 2023

GRPC Gateway Client Generator

gRPC is a very popular alternative to REST for two reasons: high performance and code generation. High performance is achieved by using HTTP/2, which is a…

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Using Akuity Platform with Terraform Cover Image
by Nikita Kutselev on March 05, 2023

Using Akuity Platform with Terraform

Once you created a GKE, EKS, AKS or any other type of Kubernetes cluster you probably want to manage it with your Argo CD instance. But how to put it there…

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Akuity Platform February 2023 Update Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on February 23, 2023

Akuity February 2023 Update

March is almost here, so it's time to dive into what's new inside the Akuity Platform in February. This month we've introduced a lot of new features as well as…

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Kyverno and Argo CD blog cover image
by Nicholas Morey on February 13, 2023

Enforcing Kubernetes Best Practices with Kyverno and Argo CD

If you've landed on this blog post, I assume you're already familiar with Kubernetes and know it's a container orchestration platform. As new application…

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Akuity Soc 2 Type 2 Cover Image
by Wojtek Cichoń on February 01, 2023

Announcing SOC 2 Type 2 Compliance

From day one we set out to become the go-to vendor for enterprise-grade Argo CD as a managed service. As a part of this effort we want to make sure our current…

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Akuity Platform January 2023 Update Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on January 19, 2023

Akuity January 2023 Update

January brings a collection of updates to the Akuity Platform. The platform officially supports the Argo CD Image Updater, Git operations can now be delegated…

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Sustainable GitOps with Argo CD and kube-green blog cover image
by Nicholas Morey on January 17, 2023

Sustainable GitOps with Argo CD and kube-green

Let's talk about sustainable cloud compuzting! 2022 was the year of increased awareness around the amount of CO2 that global cloud infrastructure releases into…

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Akuity On-premise Cover Image
by Wojtek Cichoń on January 10, 2023

Self-hosted Akuity is Here!

We launched the Akuity Platform in September 2022. The platform is constantly growing as a product, adding more and more innovation on top of Argo CD. To make…

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Argo CD Build Environment Examples blog cover image
by Nicholas Morey on December 16, 2022

Argo CD Build Environment Examples

In many cases, the location or name of an application's deployment will influence its configuration. Consider that an app will deploy to multiple environments…

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Akuity Platform December 2022 Update Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on December 08, 2022

Akuity December 2022 Update

December brings another batch of improvements to the Akuity Platform. We've focused on making custom UI styles accessible to anyone, simplifying SSO…

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Argo Project has been approved for CNCF graduation
by Alexander Matyushentsev on December 06, 2022

Argo Graduation Day!

Good news, everyone! The Argo Project has reached the “Graduated” status with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. This is a significant event and an…

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Slack Theme in Argo CD Dashboard
by Mayursinh Sarvaiya on December 05, 2022

How to Create Argo CD Theme with Minimal CSS

When using Argo CD UI, you might want to match its design with your company's branding or wish to differentiate between the instances by giving different color…

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KubeCon EU 2022 - Akuity Team Recap
by Wojtek Cichoń on November 03, 2022

KubeCon Detroit 2022 - Akuity Team Recap

This year North America's "motor city", Detroit, hosted KubeCon. It wasn’t our first KubeCon as individuals, but it was our first KubeCon as a team. Our First…

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Akuity November 2022 Update Cover Image
by Nicholas Morey on November 02, 2022

Akuity November 2022 Update

We're happy to announce that the Akuity Platform has received several advancements. With this release, it has never been easier to get up and running with Argo…

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Announcing Akuity Platform blog post cover image
by Jesse Suen on September 14, 2022

Announcing the Akuity Platform

We are excited to announce the general availability of the Akuity Platform, offering fully-managed Argo CD as a hosted service. With the Akuity Platform, it’s…

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