Akuity Enterprise for Argo

On-prem managed service for Argo, directly from its creators

Everything needed to scale Argo with confidence. Enterprise support, solution guidance, architectural review for Argo CD, Argo Workflows, Argo Rollouts, and Argo Events.

Minimized overhead

Automated updates, security patches and architectural review. Implement best practices for Argo in production and fine tune your implementation.

24/7 Enterprise support

Get help directly from Argo project creators. With an SLA in place you know what you can expect and how to reach us, no matter the time of day.

Single control plane

Aggregate and query information from all your Argo CD apps in a single dashboard. DORA metrics and audit logs included.

CVE resolution

Common vulnerabilities and exposures patched on demand in a timely manner.

GitOps best practices

Detect configuration drift and roll-back to avoid disasters. Keep your environments synchronised and deploy to Kubernetes at scale.

Backup, Restore, Recover

Specify a storage space which we will periodically snapshot and restore your production configuration with just one click.

Argo is trusted in production by leading enterprises globally

Interested in Cloud Solution for Argo?

Fast setup, better security, less operational headaches, and much more

Next-level Security
  • Secrets are isolated within the cluster, limiting vulnerability to 3rd party intrusions
  • No need to have Kubernetes credentials in a centralized location
  • Networks remain private, with only outbound traffic required
Single Control Plane
  • Manage all your applications and environments using one control plane
  • One click version updates across all apps and environments
Scale up Instantly
  • No need for manual sharding
  • No need for fine-tuning Argo CD components
  • Better resource allocation
  • No network bottlenecks, we only transmit deployment metadata

Continuous Promotion with GitOps

Kargo provides stage-to-stage promotion using GitOps principles without need for bespoke automation or relying on CI pipelines.