

Open Source


February 23, 2023

Nicholas Morey

Akuity February 2023 Update

March is almost here, so it's time to dive into what's new inside the Akuity Platform in February. This month we've introduced a lot of new features as well as support for Argo CD v2.6.

Agent Manifest Kustomization

The Akuity Platform has added support for customizing the agent manifests using Kustomize.

Screenshot of the Kustomization for the Akuit Agent.

An excellent use for this is to add a nodeSelector to schedule the Akuity Agent onto specific nodes. In this example, the Deployments for the agent will be scheduled onto nodes with the cluster-services label.

Akuity Audit Log Extension

The Akuity Audit Log extension, exclusive to the Akuity Platform, adds a new tab to the Application details pane to display relevant entries from the Organization's Audit Log.

Screenshot fo the Akuity Audit Log in the Argo CD Application Details pane.

Agent Version Management

The Akuity Platform dashboard supports installing a specific version of the Akuity Agent. This is great for agents with auto-update disabled, allowing you to update them selectively.

Screenshot of the Akuity Agent version dropdown.

Screenshot of the up to date agents bar.

Cluster Filters and Pagination

The Cluster Management dashboard has been improved with filtering and pagination, making managing many clusters more friendly.

Screenshot of the Cluster Mangement dashboard onthe Akuity Platform.

ApplicationSet Webhook

Webhook support for ApplicationSets has been added, removing the delay between a change in Git and the reconciliation in Argo CD.

Dashboard Polishing

The Akuity Platform dashboard continues to become more consistent and refined to improve the user experience.

Argo CD v2.6 Support

The Akuity Platform adds support for the newest version of Argo CD, v2.6. It includes the new beta for Multi-Source Applications (contributed by @ishitasequeira from RedHat) and support for Deep links (contributed by @gdsoumya from Akuity), which allow users to quickly redirect to third-party systems, such as Grafana or Datadog, from the Argo CD user interface.

If you want to learn more about what's new in Argo CD 2.6, check out our highlights from the StruggleOps stream, where Nicholas Morey and Daniel Hoang, Developer Advocates at Akuity, show off their top three favourite features of the release.

RedHat OpenShift 4 Support

The Agent manifests are now compatible with the SecurityContextConstraints (SSC) used in OpenShift 4.

Check out Akuity on OpenShift in episode 53 of GitOps Guide to the Galaxy with Christian Hernandez and Hilliary Lipsig from RedHat and Nicholas Morey from Akuity.

Try it Out

To try out all the new features, log in to your user account or start a free trial and have a fully-managed instance of Argo CD in minutes.

If you want to learn how to manage the deployment of the Helm charts in a declarative fashion using Argo CD and Github, take a look at our tutorial.

Help and Support

If you want any insights on where to start with Akuity or Argo CD, please reach out to me (Nicholas Morey) on the the CNCF Slack. You can find me on the #argo-* channels, and don't hesitate to send me a direct message.

You can also schedule a technical demo with our team or go through the “Getting started” manual on the Akuity Documentation website.

Akuity February 2023 Update

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